Egyptian Breeding Stallions
Egyptian Breeding Stallions
The stallions are defined in our concept as a dynamic component of the program. They increase positive traits and characteristics, whilst playing a subordinate though important role.
Nagaraj Arabians’ breeding programme is based on painstaking selection, which focuses on the enhancement of quality, type, elegance and charisma. The Arabian heritage of the Mansour line (Nazeer, Ansata Ibn Halima, Halim Shah, Salaa El Dine, Adnan, Nejdy, Ibn Nejdy, NK Hafid Jamil, NK Jamal El Dine, NK Nadeer) serves as the most abundant source of improvements and has demonstrated a measurable influence over the course of generations!
The stud farm currently boasts, with Al Wahed Al Nedj & NK Ezz El Dine, a good stock of stallions from the family Hadbah Enzahieh. We mainly use our stallions to promote a balanced combination of many positive elements.